9 Ways to Choose Good Chicken and Duck Eggs to Hatch

Seasoningconcoction. Chicken or duck breeders are certainly familiar in choosing which chicken and duck eggs are ready to be hatched. It looks normal and easy, but actually choosing a good or good egg is a process that requires precision before finally starting to hatch eggs in an egg incubator. Eggs to be hatched must have characteristics and criteria for eggs that are good in terms of shape, genetically and also physiologically. In general, the requirements for selecting hatching eggs for both poultry such as chickens, ducks and ducks are the same color and size.

Another thing to note is that the egg must be fertile and fertile, which comes from an egg that is fertilized by sperm. Because eggs from sires that do not mate with males are certainly not fertile eggs. However, it is necessary to know the many factors that can cause egg infertility, for example because of young males so that the quality of the sperm produced is not good. So, to choose eggs that are suitable for hatching is to make sure beforehand that the eggs come from a parent who has been bred with a chicken or male duck with sufficient nutrition and nutrition. Baca : Recipes and how to make Spicy Acid Gravy Chicken

Ways to Choose Good Chicken and Duck Eggs to Hatch

Previously, try for the eggs that you want to hatch or keep, not eggs that have been stored for a long time. But keep the eggs in a place with a good temperature and avoid direct sunlight, then wash them with a disinfectant. After that the eggs can be hatched generally in an ambient temperature incubator at 38 -39 degrees Celsius. Then how specifically we can choose a good egg to hatch immediately? The description below will state its characteristics.

How to Choose Good Chicken and Duck Eggs to hatch:

The age of the female and male parent is not more than a period of 12 months

The ratio of the parent of the female to the male is 1: 8 no more than that.

It does not have a foul odor and immediately separate it with unsuitable eggs.

There are no defects in the egg such as cracks on the surface of the egg, not rough, the shell is not soft, there is no thickening of the skin on one part or the double yolk.

Weighing is the norm. For free-range chicken eggs, the weight can reach around 40 -45 grams per egg

The condition of his skin is clean from dirt

The cavities are clearly visible on the blunt side and do not move around. You can see it using a binocular tool.

Egg shape is normal, does not deviate and has a ratio between the length and width is 2: 3 with an oval shape.

Eggs are not more than 5 (five) days old and the storage method is correct.

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This is a review about how to choose chicken or duck eggs, ducks, and quail which are superior to be hatched. Make sure to be more careful because sometimes one or two traits that indicate poor egg quality are not always visible. By paying attention to these few tips, you are certainly more enriched in knowledge to avoid the failure of the eggs you want to hatch.

Of course, you also have to be prepared to face the risks that may occur if the hatching does not go smoothly. However, don't worry, by paying attention to some of these tricks, you are sure that you will succeed, then you just have to think about after-hatch care and maintenance. Good luck and good luck.

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